
Sakıp Sabancı Museum Zero/İstanbul

Sakıp Sabancı Museum

Sakıp Sabancı Museum has always been one the most important museums in Istanbul with its different and important exhibitions all the time.

At this time, Sabancı museum is a home to the exhibition “Geleceğe Geri Sayım”. Zero current which has emerged in Dusseldorf in 1957, is a current that when some artists couldn’t find any gallery to exhibit their works and they emerged with the principle of “Art must start from zero”. The exhibition that is designed dedicatedly to Sabancı museum has treenails that are on woods, plasterworks that are formed in various shapes and the main themes like Time, Extent, Structure, Light, Fire, Color, Shadow and Vibration. The work which attracts all the attraction is Otto Piene’s “Şişme Nesneler”. The columns that are in the entrance are named as Dokuz Sütun Üzerindeki Gökyüzü (The sky above nine columns) by Heinz Mack.

Sakıp Sabancı Museum Zero
Sakıp Sabancı Museum Zero


Sakıp Sabancı Museum Zero


Sakıp Sabancı Museum Zero


Sakıp Sabancı Museum Zero

You can visit “ZERO. Geleceğe Geri Sayım” magazine in September 2, 2015 – January 10, 2016 on S.Ü. Sakıp Sabancı Museum.

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